There is no Reason why Pool Fencing in Melbourne cannot be Stylish


Having a pool at your place can be one of the coolest things at your place. Not a lot of people can afford to have one and those who do, make sure to make the most of it by inviting their friends and family over. Almost every weekend is a party day and the alone late night alone swims in the humid weather are plain bliss. With enjoyment comes a safety hazard, especially for little kids. Pool fencing in Melbourne as of recently has been garnering a lot of attention.  People know that having a pool is entertaining but not having a boundary along the pool that toddlers cannot climb is a disaster waiting to happen. The law in Australia that requires all pool owners to fence their pools is perhaps what plays the biggest role.

Because of this reason, as a precautionary measure against their children and the children of their guests, people have started getting fences installed. Now fences come in a variety of options pertaining to the material and style. In today’s age the most used material is glass. Glass is a reliable material which is sure to keep your children away from the pool area without the extra danger of them having their arm, leg or head getting stuck in between bars. Glass fencing provides protection without compromising on aesthetics. It looks stylish and chic and does not make the idea of ‘fencing’ a boring one that one can imagine iron railing has in a landscaped outdoor area. It provides function without becoming an eyesore and sometimes even enhances the look of the pool area as well.

Glass fencing comes in two types which are semi-frameless and frameless. Semi-frameless has poles of metal between joints of glass panels, providing a “frame”. Frameless glass panels do not have any frame whatsoever and to someone who has a little impaired vision, they will not be able to even tell if the pool has any fencing at all. The materials being used in the manufacturing of the glass for these frames depends on the company you get them installed from. If you go with a reputable and reliable company, they will definitely provide a guarantee for a specific time period till which if any issue occurs with the fencing, they will be able to reimburse you, replace the fence or repair it depending on their policy.

If you are worried about the durability, then again, go for a reputable company to get services from because most glass fences in fact, are durable unless it is a really bad and shady company. As a style addition, frameless and semi-frameless fences both look very elegant but then again so do minimalist plain metal fences. It all boils down to your preference and if you are still unsure, keep your house in mind. Houses usually have a theme of two going on, they are either traditionally made with traditional interior and such or they are contemporary with a minimalist interior and everything is light and straight lines or just very modern, for the lack of a better word. If your house is modern then glass pool fencing in Melbourne will be more suitable for you and if your house is a little rustic or traditional then metal fencing will look quite good.

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