You Can Perform Plastic Rubbish Removal in a Unique Way

Take a great look at the rubbish inside the garbage can. I know the stench is killing but just bird eye view is ample. So what have you discovered? That we all are mess makers? Yes that too but what do you see lying inside the bin. Rotten food, pizza boxes, paper pieces, pieces of little wood, dirt and yes plastic bottles, lots and lots of them. So what is that we found out? A big part of the waste that we make consists of plastic bottles. This big proportion of these plastic hollow objects makes it even harder for people to perform rubbish removal London, New York, Paris, no matter how civilized a city is, plastic bottles waste is everywhere.


Is there a way to decrease this plastic waste? There are many of them actually but they need aggressive campaigns on international level. You and I, as individuals can play our tiny but important roles in this campaign to make the plastic instinct from the face of the earth.

Our little role is recycling. Yes I know not everyone has recycling plants. By recycling I meant to use these plastic bottles for different purposes at home and not throwing them outside.

Plastic bottles are of different designs. Some of them, like soft drink bottles, are long with narrow neck. Other, like pickle bottles, come in cylinder shapes. Some other, like shampoo bottles, designed in stylish ways with clipped opener caps. All these bottles, once emptied, become waste and thrown away in rubbish. But, if given a little attention and metal aesthetic look, these bottles can be reused inside the house for different daily gadgets that we buy against quite good amount of money in the market.

Pencil Holders:

Well, for this you need:

-          Plastic Cutter
-          A Zipper
-          Glue Gun

And more than all of these ingredients, you need a sense of aesthetic creativity. So let the magic 

-          First of all you have to cut the plastic bottles into half with the plastic cutter.
-          Now keep the bottom areas of the bottles with you and set the upper parts aside.
-          Draw a boundary line around the edge of these open areas of both the halves of the bottles.
-          Bring one half on the top of the other without making a contact.
-          Now carefully stick the zipper on glue around both of the halves. Make sure that upper sider of the zipper sticks with the top of the upper half and lower side of the zipper sticks with the top of the lower half. Press the zipper gently and leave it for some minutes.

Gift Boxes:

-          Cut the bottoms of and the neck of a bottle with plastic cutter.
-          Now again with the help of glue stick a zipper between the two halves and leave this package for some minutes.
-          Place the surprise gift at the bottom half and rap the little package in glittery gift sheet

Make a Plastic Garden:

-          Take all the bottles you have lying in the waste bin.
-          Cut the lower bottoms of all of these bottles.
-          Put soil and fertilizers in them.
-          Now sow the seeds of little plants that can be kept indoor
-          Water these plastic planters and leave them in an airy place.

Not only this, there are many other ways the plastic is used in the house. If this looks an even bigger effort than rubbish clearing then you are left with no option but to hire the rubbish removal services in London.
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